We would like to introduce our proxy service to buy trading cards at online stores.Currently we are handing cards from below-mentioned online stores.
Our fee is 3-5% of the value of goods and local transportation fee, and minimum fee is JPY500, maximum fee is JPY3000 per order.
Maximum item is 20 items or maximum 5 stores per order. For detail please refer to our homepage.
If you access these site, advertizement of some other proxy services will be appeared automatically. They charge 10% their handling fee on the price of the stores. We think that is too much. You don’t need to pay such expensive fee to them. Our fee is minimum JPY500 and maximum JPY3,000 per order. If you buy expensive trading cards which total amount is more than JPY100,000, our fee is JPY 3,000 fixed. Even one million JPY cards, our fee is JPY3,000.
Basical inspection and consolidation service are included in our standard service. Only extra fee is export packing fee. We need fee for packing material and special packing for large items if necessary.
If you find your favorite cards, please contact us by email. We will purchase cards very quickly.
CardRush(Pekemon) | https://www.cardrush-pokemon.jp/ | |
CardRush | https://www.cardrush.jp/ | |
ToreToku | https://www.toretoku.jp/ | |
Surugaya | https://www.suruga-ya.jp/ | |
Hareruya2 | https://www.hareruya2.com/ | |
Lotus | https://www.cslotus.jp/ | |
YuYuTei | https://yuyu-tei.jp/ | |
BigWeb | https://www.bigweb.co.jp/ | |
EnndalGames | https://www.enndalgames2.com/ | |
DoraSta | https://dorasuta.jp/ | |
Magi | https://magi.camp/ | |
Toreca Camp | https://torecacamp-pokemon.com/ | |
Card Museum | https://www.card-museum.com/ | |
Gurapan | https://gurapan.jp/ | |
Tore Zamu | https://www.torezamu.com/ |